


The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) announced a phenomenal 228 per cent increase in Dubai hotels and hotel apartment guests during the 1996-2006, while the number of operating hotel establishments increased by 42 per cent during the same period.

The number of hotel guests rose to 6.3 million in the year 2006 from 1.9 million guests in 1996. The number of operating hotel establishments in the year 2006 was 415, up from 293 in 1996.

Ms. Sumaya Karam, DTCM Executive One Stop Information Centre (OSIC), said the OSIC was established in the year 1991 and since then it has been working towards the objective of becoming an efficient, effective and reliable provider of information about Dubai.

Currently, OSIC has over 1000 list of information and over 650 sheet of statistical information, a majority of them available online at the DTCM website http://www.dubaitourism.ae/Newsletter/arrow/ar_LinkTracker.asp?uID=3&nID=99&strEmail=manager@prosale.jp&strLink=http://www.dubaitourism.ae/statistics .

The OSIC customers include investors, businessmen, traders, tourism companies, research organizations, diplomatic missions, tourists and public and private sector organizations.

A total of 14,000 enquiries have been handled by the OSIC in the year 2006. The OSIC, staffed mostly by UAE nationals, also has reports and studies on tourism and other topics done by other government departments and research organizations.

The information centre updates information available with it regularly to ensure a high degree of accuracy.

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